At Modine, we stand behind our products and our word. We are committed to innovation, customer satisfaction, and the well-being of our employees.

We aim to create a culture that engages our employees to take pride in our company and in the products we manufacture. We provide a safe, diverse, and exciting workplace with a dedication that’s reflected in our quality products and industry reputation for ingenuity.

Modine provides our employees with competitive wages, a comprehensive health care package, liberal holidays, paid vacations, and a safe working environment. With an average of more than 10 years on the job, it is clear that our employees like it here.


At Modine Manufacturing, we embrace and celebrate the unique background, perspectives and talents of our employees. Through diversity, we unlock a wealth of creativity and innovation, enabling us to tackle complex challenges, drive meaningful change, and deliver exceptional results. We are dedicated to ongoing education, training, and awareness-building initiatives to foster a culture of inclusivity. We welcome you as you are and look forward to you contributing to our future success